The Yellow Wallpaper
This unsettling and intense adaptation of Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s provocative gothic feminist horror tale explores themes of patriarchy and hysteria. The story follows Jane, a writer and new mother, whose doctor husband, John, prescribes a period of rest. He takes her to a secluded country house for the summer. There, Jane becomes fixated on the strange yellow wallpaper in the bedroom he has selected for her. In her solitude, she clandestinely writes about a woman imprisoned within the wallpaper, whom she feels compelled to liberate.
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Genre: Horror
Director: K Pontuti
Actors: Alexandra Loreth, Clara Harte, Jeanne O'Connor, Joe Mullins, Mark P. O'Connor
Country: Ireland, United States of America
Company: Emerald Giant Productions DAC, Hysteria Pictures, Penitent Productions