The Wolfpack
This documentary, directed by Crystal Moselle, delves into the lives of the Angulo brothers, who grew up isolated from the outside world in a Manhattan apartment. The siblings spent their childhood re-enacting scenes from their favorite films, which became their primary connection to society. The film offers a unique glimpse into their world, exploring themes of family, creativity, and the impact of cinema. It won the Grand Jury Prize for Documentary at the 2015 Sundance Film Festival. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Biography, Documentary
Director: Crystal Moselle
Actors: Bhagavan Angulo, Chloe Pecorino, Govinda Angulo, Jagadisa Angulo, Krsna Angulo, Mukunda Angulo, Narayana Angulo, Oscar Angulo, Susanne Angulo, Visnu Angulo
Country: United States of America
Company: Kotva Films, Verisimilitude
Worldwide Gross: $1,414,140