The Witch in the Window
In this atmospheric horror film directed by Andy Mitton, a father and his estranged son attempt to renovate an old farmhouse in rural Vermont, only to discover that the house harbors a sinister presence. As they work on the house, they encounter the ghost of a previous owner, whose malevolent spirit begins to affect their lives in increasingly disturbing ways. The film stars Alex Draper and Charlie Tacker, delivering compelling performances that heighten the tension and emotional depth of the story. Known for its slow-burn suspense and psychological horror elements, this film offers a chilling exploration of family dynamics and supernatural terror. It can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Director: Andy Mitton
Actors: Alex Draper, Arija Bareikis, Carol Stanzione, Charlie Tacker, Greg Naughton, Molly Slothower, Zach Jette
Country: United States of America
Company: One Bad House Films
Worldwide Gross: $37,802