The Wilde Wedding
In this ensemble comedy, a retired film star, played by Glenn Close, gathers her family for a weekend wedding celebration at her country estate. The event brings together a colorful mix of personalities, including her ex-husband, portrayed by John Malkovich, and her current fiancé, played by Patrick Stewart. As the festivities unfold, old tensions and new romances emerge, leading to unexpected twists. The film, directed by Damian Harris, showcases a talented cast and explores themes of love and family dynamics. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Damian Harris
Actors: Glenn Close, Grace Van Patten, Jack Davenport, John Malkovich, Lilly Englert, Minnie Driver, Noah Emmerich, Patrick Stewart, Peter Facinelli, Yael Stone
Country: United States of America
Company: Baby Mugs Films