The Wasted Times
Set against the backdrop of 1930s Shanghai, this film intricately weaves a tale of betrayal, revenge, and the complex interplay of power among the city’s elite. The narrative unfolds through a series of interconnected stories, exploring the lives of a Japanese spy, a Chinese gangster, and a wealthy socialite. With a star-studded cast including Zhang Ziyi and Ge You, the film is a visual and emotional journey through a tumultuous era. Directed by Er Cheng, it offers a unique perspective on historical events. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Director: Er Cheng
Actors: Du Chun, Ge You, Gillian Chung, Gillian Chung Yan-Tung, Han Geng, Ni Dahong, Tadanobu Asano, Yan Ni, Yuan Quan, Zhang Ziyi, Zhao Baogang
Country: China
Company: Emperor Film Production, Huayi Brothers Pictures, Huayi Brothers Pictures International
Worldwide Gross: $18,345,372