The Wandering Earth
In a future where the sun is rapidly expanding, threatening to engulf Earth, humanity embarks on an ambitious project to move the entire planet to a new star system. The story follows a group of brave individuals, including Liu Qi and his sister Han Duoduo, as they navigate the challenges and dangers of this colossal endeavor. Directed by Frant Gwo, the film features stunning visual effects and a gripping narrative that explores themes of survival and sacrifice. Notably, it stars Wu Jing, a prominent figure in Chinese cinema. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 16
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Frant Gwo
Actors: Arkady Sharogradsky, Haoyu Yang, Jing Wu, Jingjing Qu, Li Guangjie, Michael Kai Sui, Ng Man-Tat, Qu Chuxiao, Qu Jingjing, Richard Ng Man-Tat, Wu Jing, Yang Haoyu, Zhang Yichi, Zhao Jinmai
Country: China
Company: Alibaba Pictures Group, Base FX, Beijing Dengfeng International Culture Communications Company
Worldwide Gross: $699,992,512