The Terminal
In this 2004 film directed by Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks stars as Viktor Navorski, a man from a fictional Eastern European country who becomes stranded at New York’s JFK International Airport. Due to a sudden political upheaval in his homeland, Viktor finds himself unable to enter the United States or return home, forcing him to make the airport his temporary residence. The film explores themes of resilience and human connection as Viktor navigates the challenges of his unique situation. Catherine Zeta-Jones also stars, adding depth to the ensemble cast. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Steven Spielberg
Actors: Barry Shabaka Henley, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Chi McBride, Diego Luna, Eddie Jones, Jude Ciccolella, Kumar Pallana, Stanley Tucci, Tom Hanks, Zoe Saldana
Country: United States of America
Company: Amblin Entertainment, DreamWorks Pictures, Parkes/MacDonald Image Nation
Worldwide Gross: $219,100,084