The Station / Blutgletscher
In this chilling Austrian horror film directed by Marvin Kren, a group of scientists stationed in the Alps discovers a mysterious red liquid oozing from a melting glacier. This discovery leads to a series of terrifying events as the liquid begins to mutate local wildlife into monstrous creatures. The film stars Gerhard Liebmann, who delivers a compelling performance as the lead scientist grappling with the unfolding chaos. Known for its atmospheric tension and practical effects, the movie offers a unique blend of ecological horror and creature feature thrills. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Director: Marvin Kren
Actors: Adina Vetter, Brigitte Kren, Edita Malovčić, Felix Römer, Gerhard Liebmann, Hille Beseler, Michael Fuith, Murathan Muslu, Peter Knaack, Wolfgang Pampel
Country: Austria
Company: Allegro Film, Filmfonds Wien, FilmVergnuegen
Worldwide Gross: $128,148