The Spirit of Christmas
In this charming holiday film directed by David Jackson, a young lawyer named Kate, played by Jen Lilley, is tasked with selling a historic inn before Christmas. Upon her arrival, she discovers that the inn is haunted by a handsome ghost named Daniel, portrayed by Thomas Beaudoin, who is cursed to return every year during the holiday season. As Kate works to solve the mystery of Daniel’s past, she finds herself drawn to him, leading to unexpected romantic developments. The film combines elements of romance, mystery, and the supernatural, offering a unique twist on the traditional Christmas story. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Romance, TV Movie
Director: David Jackson
Actors: Alexander Gauthier, Bates Wilder, Brett Leigh, Christopher Tarjan, Jen Lilley, Joanna Herrington, Kati Salowsky, Robert E. Walsh, Robert Walsh, Steven A. Miller, Thomas Beaudoin
Country: United States of America
Company: Marvista Entertainment