The Spanish Apartment
In this engaging French comedy-drama, a young economics student named Xavier, played by Romain Duris, embarks on a life-changing journey to Barcelona as part of the Erasmus exchange program. He finds himself sharing an apartment with a diverse group of international students, leading to a series of cultural clashes and personal discoveries. The film, directed by Cédric Klapisch, captures the essence of youthful exploration and the complexities of living in a multicultural environment. Notably, the movie features Audrey Tautou in a supporting role, adding to its charm. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Cédric Klapisch
Actors: Audrey Tautou, Barnaby Metschurat, Cécile de France, Christian Pagh, Cristina Brondo, Federico D'Anna, Javier Coromina, Kelly Reilly, Martine Demaret, Romain Duris
Company: Bac Films, Ce Qui Me Meut Motion Pictures, France 2 Cinéma
Worldwide Gross: $33,272,835