The Skin of the Wolf
Set in the rugged and isolated mountains of northern Spain, this film follows the solitary life of a fur trapper named Martinón, portrayed by Mario Casas. As he navigates the harsh wilderness, Martinón’s existence takes a turn when he decides to seek companionship, leading to complex human interactions that challenge his solitary nature. Directed by Samu Fuentes, the movie is a visually striking exploration of survival and human connection. While it hasn’t garnered major awards, its atmospheric storytelling and Casas’ compelling performance have been noted. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Samu Fuentes
Actors: Irene Escolar, Kandido Uranga, Mario Casas, Paco Sagarzazu, Quimet Pla, Ruth Díaz
Country: Spain
Company: Crea SGR, Diputación de Huesca, Elkargi SGR
Worldwide Gross: $52,408