The Silenced
Set in 1938 during the Japanese occupation of Korea, this atmospheric thriller follows a young girl named Joo-ran, played by Park Bo-young, who is transferred to a mysterious boarding school. As she struggles with her health and the oppressive environment, she begins to uncover unsettling secrets about the institution and its students. Directed by Lee Hae-young, the film combines elements of horror and mystery, creating a tense and eerie atmosphere. The movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Lee Hae-young
Actors: Geum Sae-rok, Go Won-hee, Joo Bo-bi, Kong Ye-ji, Park Bo-young, Park Joo-hee, Park Seong-yeon, Park So-dam, Park Sung-yeon, Sim Hee-seop, Uhm Ji-won
Country: South Korea
Company: Generation Blue Films, Lotte Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $2,457,364