The Shop
When Shawn Wyatt, played by Jonathan Andre, inherits a 1966 Mustang from his uncle, his life takes an unexpected turn upon discovering a hidden cache of diamonds in the car’s engine. Alongside his good friend Rob, portrayed by Le’Dre Turner, Shawn embarks on a thrilling adventure after a local hustler leaks information about the diamonds to neighborhood criminals. Unbeknownst to them, the original thieves are also on their trail. The film features Tiffany “New York” Pollard, known from MTV’s Flava of Love and I Love New York, in the role of the spirited “Kiana.”
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Director: M. Shawn Cunningham
Actors: Aktion, Baby Jaymes, Inez Banks, Jonathan Andre, Jonez Cain, Ke'Shay Love, Railynne Danzot, Reginald Garner, Rosa Aguayo, Tiffany Pollard
Country: United States of America
Company: Blackfloor Entertainment, BlackFloor Productions, Str8ightlyne Films, Touch the Heart Productions