The Secret: Dare to Dream
In this 2020 film directed by Andy Tennant, a young widow named Miranda Wells, played by Katie Holmes, struggles to make ends meet while raising her three children. Her life takes an unexpected turn when she meets a mysterious man named Bray Johnson, portrayed by Josh Lucas, who carries a philosophy that could change her life. The story explores themes of hope, positivity, and the power of belief. While the film did not receive any major awards, it offers an uplifting narrative that resonates with audiences. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Director: Andy Tennant
Actors: Aidan Pierce Brennan, Celia Weston, Chloe Lee, Jerry O'Connell, Josh Lucas, Katie Holmes, Katrina Begin, Samantha Beaulieu, Sarah Hoffmeister, Sydney Tennant
Country: United States of America
Company: Covert Media, Savvy Media Holdings, TRI G
Worldwide Gross: $3,215,636