The Rockville Slayer
In this chilling story directed by Marc Selz and featuring Linnea Quigley, Robert Z’Dar, and Joe Estevez, a string of seemingly unrelated murders in a small town sets two detectives on a path to uncover a gruesome truth. The brutal slayings of two young couples in Rockville leave the police perplexed and the community in fear. As the number of victims rises and the investigation stalls, the detectives must uncover the crucial connection to stop the killer and restore peace.
Views: 2
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Marc Selz
Actors: Bob Farster, Circus-Szalewski, Ellie Weingardt, Joe Estevez, Linnea Quigley, Michael Kessler, Mike Markoff, Nicole Buehrer, Richard Strobel, Robert Z'Dar
Country: United States of America
Company: Marc Selz Productions