The Reunion
The Cleary siblings, Sam (played by John Cena), Leo (portrayed by Ethan Embry), and Douglas (acted by Boyd Holbrook), redefine the concept of a dysfunctional family. Sam and Leo have spent their lives despising each other, and neither is fond of their troublemaking younger brother, Douglas, whom they’ve only recently met. Despite sharing the same father—a wealthy, philandering alcoholic—they each have different mothers. After their father’s death, their sister Nina (Amy Smart) gathers them to reveal who will inherit his wealth, only for them to face an unexpected twist.
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Director: Michael Pavone
Actors: Amy Smart, Boyd Holbrook, Ethan Embry, Gregg Henry, J.D. Garfield, Jack Conley, John Cena, Josh Berry, Lela Loren, Michael Rispoli
Country: United States of America
Company: WWE Studios