The Retrieval
Set against the backdrop of the American Civil War, this film follows a young boy named Will, who is coerced into a dangerous mission to retrieve a wanted man. As he journeys through the war-torn landscape, Will grapples with moral dilemmas and the harsh realities of survival. The film stars Ashton Sanders, who delivers a compelling performance, and is directed by Chris Eska. While it didn’t receive major awards, it was praised for its poignant storytelling and strong character development. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Adventure, Drama, History, Western
Director: Chris Eska
Actors: Alfonso Freeman, Ashton Sanders, Bill Oberst Jr., Christine Horn, Jonathan R. Freeman, Keston John, Raven Ledeatte, Tangela Wilson, Tishuan Scott
Country: United States of America
Company: Arts+Labor, Doki-Doki Productions, Sixth Street Films
Worldwide Gross: $50,257