The Resistance Banker
Set during World War II, this gripping drama follows the true story of a Dutch banker who risks everything to fund the resistance against Nazi occupation. The film stars Barry Atsma and Jacob Derwig, who deliver compelling performances as brothers navigating the dangerous world of underground finance. Directed by Joram Lürsen, the movie captures the tension and moral dilemmas faced by those who dared to defy tyranny. It was the Netherlands’ submission for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 91st Academy Awards. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Joram Lürsen
Actors: Barry Atsma, Fockeline Ouwerkerk, Götz Schubert, Jaap Spijkers, Jacob Derwig, Matteo van der Grijn, Peter Jordan, Pierre Bokma, Raymond Thiry, Tjebbo Gerritsma
Country: Belgium, Netherlands
Company: Dutch FilmWorks (DFW), Evangelische Omroep (EO), NL Film
Worldwide Gross: $4,061,737