The Redemption of Henry Myers
Henry Myers, portrayed by Drew Walters, leads a challenging existence on the frontier, resorting to any means necessary to get by, including bank robbery. However, when his most recent theft goes awry, and his accomplices, Bea Smith and Rio Alexander, double-cross him and abandon him to die, Henry’s life takes an unexpected twist. He encounters unexpected kindness and empathy from a widow, played by Erin Bethea, and her children, Jaden Roberts and Ezra Proch.
Director: Clayton Miller
Actors: Beau Smith, Drew Waters, Dylan Kenin, Erin Bethea, Ezra Proch, Jaden Roberts, Luce Rains, Marc Comstock, Michael McCabe, Rio Alexander
Country: United States of America
Company: EchoLight Studios, Gundersen Entertainment, Visionary Pictures LLC