The Reckoning
Set in 1665 during the Great Plague, this film follows Grace Haverstock, played by Charlotte Kirk, as she faces the tragic loss of her husband and the subsequent accusation of witchcraft. As she endures the brutal and unjust treatment of the witchfinder, she must confront her own inner demons and the malevolent forces around her. Directed by Neil Marshall, the movie delves into themes of fear, resilience, and the human spirit. It can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 3
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Horror
Director: Neil Marshall
Actors: Callum Goulden, Charlotte Kirk, Emma Campbell-Jones, Ian Whyte, Joe Anderson, Leon Ockenden, Sarah Lambie, Sean Pertwee, Steven Waddington, Suzanne Magowan
Country: United Kingdom
Company: BondIt Media Capital, Fourth Culture Films, Moviebar Productions
Worldwide Gross: $596,806