The Realm
In this gripping political thriller, a high-ranking Spanish politician’s life unravels as a corruption scandal threatens to expose his illicit activities. The film, directed by Rodrigo Sorogoyen, masterfully captures the tension and desperation of a man fighting to maintain his power and reputation. Antonio de la Torre delivers a compelling performance as the protagonist, navigating a world of deceit and betrayal. The movie was well-received and won several awards, including seven Goya Awards. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Rodrigo Sorogoyen
Actors: Ana Wagener, Antonio de la Torre, Bárbara Lennie, David Lorente, Francisco Reyes, Josep Maria Pou, Luis Zahera, Maria de Nati, Mónica López, Nacho Fresneda
Company: Atresmedia Cine, Tornasol Films, Trianera Producciones Cinematográficas, A.I.E
Worldwide Gross: $4,206,101