The Proud Family Movie
In this animated adventure, the Proud family embarks on a tropical vacation that takes an unexpected turn when they find themselves on a mysterious island. The family, led by the spirited Penny Proud, must navigate a series of challenges and uncover the secrets of the island, all while learning valuable lessons about teamwork and family bonds. The film features the voice talents of Kyla Pratt, Tommy Davidson, and Paula Jai Parker, bringing the beloved characters to life. Directed by Bruce W. Smith, this movie offers a blend of humor and heart, appealing to both children and adults. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family, TV Movie
Director: Bruce W. Smith
Actors: Alisa Reyes, Arsenio Hall, Jo Marie Payton, Karen Malina White, Kyla Pratt, Kyla Pratt Kirkpatrick, Omarion, Orlando Brown, Paula Jai Parker, Soleil Moon Frye, Tommy Davidson
Country: Canada, South Korea, United States of America
Company: Disney Channel, Disney Television Animation, Hyperion Pictures