The Prince and Me
A romantic comedy directed by Martha Coolidge, this film follows the story of Paige Morgan, a focused pre-med student played by Julia Stiles, whose life takes an unexpected turn when she meets Eddie, portrayed by Luke Mably. Unbeknownst to Paige, Eddie is actually Prince Edvard of Denmark, who is trying to experience life as a normal college student. As their relationship develops, Paige must navigate the challenges of love and duty. The film explores themes of identity and responsibility, set against the backdrop of royal expectations. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Family, Romance
Director: Martha Coolidge
Actors: Alberta Watson, Ben Miller, Elisabeth Waterston, James Fox, John Bourgeois, Julia Stiles, Luke Mably, Miranda Richardson, Stephen O'Reilly, Zachary Knighton
Country: Czech Republic, United States of America
Company: Epsilon Motion Pictures, Lions Gate Films, Lionsgate, Lionsgate Films, Sobini Films
Worldwide Gross: $37,666,766