The Prestige
Set in the late 19th century, this film delves into the intense rivalry between two ambitious magicians, Robert Angier and Alfred Borden, whose competitive obsession leads them down a dark path of deceit and sacrifice. As they strive to outdo each other with increasingly elaborate illusions, their personal and professional lives become dangerously intertwined. The movie stars Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale, with notable performances that bring depth to their complex characters. Directed by Christopher Nolan, it showcases his signature storytelling style, weaving a narrative filled with twists and turns. This intriguing tale of ambition and rivalry can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 40
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Top250Movies
Director: Christopher Nolan
Actors: Andy Serkis, Christian Bale, Daniel Davis, David Bowie, Hugh Jackman, Jim Piddock, Michael Caine, Piper Perabo, Rebecca Hall, Samantha Mahurin, Scarlett Johansson
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Newmarket Films, Touchstone Pictures, Warner Bros., Warner Bros. Pictures Group
Worldwide Gross: $109,676,311