The Pirates: The Last Royal Treasure
In this adventurous South Korean film, a group of pirates and bandits embarks on a thrilling quest to find a long-lost royal treasure. The story is set against the backdrop of the high seas, where alliances are tested and unexpected challenges arise. The film features notable performances by stars such as Kang Ha-neul and Han Hyo-joo, who bring depth to their characters. Directed by Jeong-hoon Kim, the movie combines elements of action, comedy, and drama to create an engaging cinematic experience. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 1
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy
Director: Jeong-hoon Kim
Actors: Chae Soo-bin, Han Hyo-joo, Kang Ha-neul, Kim Ki-Doo, Kim Sung-oh, Kwon Sang-Woo, Lee Kwang-Soo, Park Ji-hwan, Sehun, Sung Dong-il, 权相佑
Country: South Korea
Company: ANEW, Lotte Entertainment, Oscar 10 Studio
Worldwide Gross: $10,258,331