The Phoenix Rises
In a thrilling convergence of worlds, a group of exceptional scientists is enlisted to collaborate on a clandestine government initiative known as the Phoenix Program. Their mission is to devise defenses against climate-based weaponry. Special Agents Bob Smith and Tom Jones selected this team after witnessing their triumph in constructing the world’s first space elevator for the Bonner Prize, a covert recruitment effort aimed at identifying the globe’s most talented minds. Meanwhile, a newly emerged terrorist organization is wielding climate-based weapons to threaten the United States and its allies. By employing extremely low frequency delivery systems, these terrorists can trigger earthquakes, manipulate rainfall, induce droughts, and conjure deadly storms seemingly from nowhere. However, the terrorist menace is not the only obstacle the team faces. Jamal Duegro, a ruthless mercenary from their past, has initiated a vengeful mission to reclaim technologies desired by his clients, and he will stop at nothing to safeguard his interests.
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Genre: Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Thriller
Director: Drew Hall
Actors: Adam Cardon, Anil Bajaj, Catalina Soto-Aguilar, James Black, John DeLong, Karmen Capella, Keone Fuqua, Philip Fornah
Country: United States of America
Company: Frame 29 Films, MudBrick Media