The Phenom
In this 2016 drama, a young and talented baseball pitcher named Hopper Gibson, played by Johnny Simmons, struggles with the pressures of professional sports and personal expectations. As his performance falters, he is sent to a sports psychologist, portrayed by Paul Giamatti, to uncover the root of his issues. The film delves into the complex relationship between Hopper and his overbearing father, played by Ethan Hawke, exploring themes of ambition, failure, and redemption. Directed by Noah Buschel, the movie offers a nuanced look at the psychological challenges faced by athletes. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Noah Buschel
Actors: Alison Elliott, Elizabeth Marvel, Ethan Hawke, Johnny Simmons, Louisa Krause, Marin Ireland, Paul Adelstein, Paul Giamatti, Sophie Kennedy Clark, Yul Vazquez
Country: United States of America
Company: Elephant Eye Films