The Penny Dreadful Picture Show
In a dilapidated cinema, the quirky undead Penny Dreadful, her enamored zombie friend Ned, and the werewolf Wolfboy share three spine-chilling stories: In “Slash-in-the-Box,” a young couple is pursued by a deadly jack-in-the-box; “The Morning After” follows a timid woman named Alice as she attempts to piece together the events of the previous night; and in “The Slaughter House,” a group of friends meets an odd rural family after their van breaks down in a remote area.
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Genre: Horror
Director: Eliza Swenson, Leigh Scott, Nick Everhart
Actors: Collin Galyean, Craig Blair, Dillon Geyselaers, Eliza Swenson, Jason Griffith, Jeffrey Combs, Liz Douglas, Sid Haig, Theodore Bouloukos, Tyler Elliot Burke
Country: United States of America
Company: Imaginarium