The Other Side of Hope
In this poignant film by Aki Kaurismäki, the narrative follows the intertwining lives of a Syrian refugee and a Finnish salesman who decides to open a restaurant. The story delicately balances themes of hope, humanity, and the search for a better life amidst adversity. The film’s understated humor and compassionate storytelling have been widely praised, earning it the Silver Bear for Best Director at the Berlin International Film Festival. Notable performances by the cast bring depth to this touching tale. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Aki Kaurismäki
Actors: Abdi Jama, Ilkka Koivula, Janne Hyytiäinen, Kaija Pakarinen, Niroz Haji, Nuppu Koivu, Sakari Kuosmanen, Sherwan Haji, Simon Al-Bazoon, Tuomari Nurmio
Company: Oy Bufo Ab, Sputnik, Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF)
Worldwide Gross: $4,282,973