The Occupant
In this gripping Spanish thriller, Javier Gutiérrez stars as a once-successful advertising executive who finds himself unemployed and struggling to maintain his lifestyle. As he becomes increasingly obsessed with the new occupants of his former home, his life spirals into a dark and dangerous path. Directed by Àlex Pastor, the film delves into themes of identity, ambition, and the lengths one might go to reclaim a lost sense of self. While it hasn’t garnered any major awards, its intense narrative and strong performances have captured the attention of audiences. For those interested, the movie is available to watch for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Àlex Pastor, David Pastor
Actors: Bruna Cusí, Cristian Muñoz, David Ramírez, David Selvas, David Verdaguer, Iris Vallés Torres, Javier Gutiérrez, Mario Casas, Ruth Díaz, Vicky Luengo, Victoria Luengo
Country: Spain
Company: Nostromo Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $1,845