The North Star
“The North Star” narrates the tale of Benjamin “Big Ben” Jones and Moses Hopkins, two enslaved individuals who fled a Virginia plantation in 1849, seeking freedom in Buckingham, Pennsylvania. Standing at an impressive 6 feet 10 inches, Big Ben becomes a prime target for slave hunters across the east coast, due to the substantial bounty on his return. Their perilous journey reveals both the harshness and the unexpected compassion of those involved in the Underground Railroad. These encounters profoundly transform Ben and Moses. Upon reaching the relative sanctuary of Mt. Gilead Church on Buckingham Mountain, they begin to live as free men and meet historical icons like Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, and Joshua and Jonathan Fell. Their newfound freedom brings opportunities for heroism, romance, and betrayal. This story is brought to you by LuckPig Studios.
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Director: Thomas K. Phillips
Actors: Clifton Powell, Jeremiah Trotter, John Diehl, Keith David, Thomas C. Bartley Jr.
Country: United States of America
Company: JRC Productions, LuckPig Studios, Reel Goode Productions