The Nine Lives of Christmas
In this heartwarming holiday film, a handsome firefighter named Zachary Stone, played by Brandon Routh, finds his life unexpectedly transformed when he takes in a stray cat. As he navigates the challenges of pet ownership, he crosses paths with Marilee White, portrayed by Kimberley Sustad, a veterinary student with a deep love for animals. Their budding friendship and shared affection for the cat lead to unexpected romantic sparks. Directed by Mark Jean, this charming story explores themes of love, companionship, and the magic of Christmas. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Drama, Family, Romance, TV Movie
Director: Mark Jean
Actors: Alison Araya, Brandon Routh, Carey Feehan, Chelsea Hobbs, Dalias Blake, Gregory Harrison, Jarrett Knowles, Kimberley Sustad, Sean Tyson, Stephanie Bennett
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Bauman Entertainment, Head First Productions