The Night Watchmen
In this horror-comedy, a group of inept night watchmen, along with a young rookie and a fearless tabloid journalist, must save their lives when a mysterious virus turns the inhabitants of their office building into bloodthirsty vampires. The film features a cast including Ken Arnold, Dan DeLuca, and Kevin Jiggetts, who bring a mix of humor and horror to the screen. Directed by Mitchell Altieri, known for his work in the horror genre, the movie delivers a blend of laughs and scares. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Mitchell Altieri
Actors: Dan DeLuca, Diona Reasonover, James Remar, Kara Luiz, Ken Arnold, Kevin Jiggetts, Matt Servitto, Max Gray Wilbur, Rain Pryor, Tiffany Shepis
Country: United States of America
Company: Contender Films, Indie Entertainment, Red Crow Pictures, Studio BOH