The Night Sitter
In this horror-comedy, a con artist posing as a babysitter targets the home of a wealthy occult enthusiast, only to inadvertently unleash a trio of malevolent witches. As chaos ensues, the babysitter and the children must band together to survive the night. The film features a cast including Elyse Dufour and Jack Champion, delivering engaging performances that blend humor with horror. Directed by Abiel Bruhn, the movie offers a unique twist on the babysitter trope. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Abiel Bruhn, John Rocco
Actors: Amber Neukum, Bailey Campbell, Ben Barlow, Deanna Meske, Elyse Dufour, J. Benedict Larmore, Jack Champion, Jermaine Rivers, Joe Walz, Manny Sandow
Country: United States of America
Company: Pelican Films, Roller Disco Massacre