The New Girlfriend
In this intriguing drama directed by François Ozon, the story follows Claire, a young woman who discovers a surprising secret about her late best friend’s husband, David, played by Romain Duris. As Claire becomes more involved in David’s life, the film explores themes of identity, friendship, and acceptance. Anaïs Demoustier also stars, delivering a compelling performance that adds depth to the narrative. The film is known for its nuanced portrayal of complex relationships and can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Director: François Ozon
Actors: Alex Fondja, Anaïs Demoustier, Anita Gillier, Aurore Clément, Claudine Chatel, Isild Le Besco, Jean-Claude Bolle-Reddat, Raphaël Personnaz, Romain Duris, Zita Hanrot
Country: France
Company: FOZ, Mandarin Films, Mars Films
Worldwide Gross: $5,215,796