The Mystery of D.B. Cooper
This intriguing documentary delves into the infamous 1971 hijacking case of a man known only as D.B. Cooper, who vanished without a trace after parachuting from a plane with a ransom. Directed by John Dower, the film explores various theories and suspects, weaving together interviews and archival footage to paint a comprehensive picture of this enduring mystery. While it doesn’t provide definitive answers, it offers a fascinating look at the cultural impact and speculation surrounding the case. For those interested, the film is available to watch for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Crime, Documentary, History
Director: John Dower
Actors: Anne Wittman, David Mills, Hannah Pauley, Jo Weber, Marla Cooper, Miles Richardson, Peter Caulfield
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Minnow Films
Worldwide Gross: $4,218