The Mysterious Mr. Wizdom
“The Mysterious Mr. Wizdom” is a witty romantic comedy centered around a grumpy, retired military veteran named Mr. Wizdom, who harbors a hidden past. The narrative follows his son, Wizdom Jr., his partner Queen, and her daughter Beauty as they navigate an artistic journey filled with love, romance, pain, and intrigue. Set in the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois, the film features an entirely Black cast and crew from the area. This fictional tale is the brainchild of Andre Blaze’ Rodgers, who wrote, directed, and produced the film.
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Genre: Comedy
Director: Andre Blaze Rodgers
Actors: Andre Blaze Rodgers, Chandra Smartt-Spicer, Jennifer Davis, Joe H. Sutton, Kaschmiere Rich, Yola'nda Bell
Country: United States of America