The Music of Strangers
Directed by Morgan Neville, this documentary follows the journey of the Silk Road Ensemble, a collective of international musicians led by renowned cellist Yo-Yo Ma. The film delves into the personal stories of the ensemble’s members, exploring how their diverse backgrounds and musical traditions come together to create a unique and harmonious sound. Through a blend of interviews and performances, it highlights the power of music to transcend cultural barriers and foster global understanding. The film can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 3
Genre: Documentary, Music
Director: Morgan Neville
Actors: Bobby McFerrin, Cristina Pato, Jonathan Gandelsman, Kayhan Kalhor, Kevork Mourad, Kinan Azmeh, Man Wu, Nicholas Ma, Osvaldo Golijov, Yo-Yo Ma
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Participant, Tremolo Productions
Worldwide Gross: $1,259,588