The Muppets
In this 2011 film directed by James Bobin, the beloved puppet ensemble embarks on a mission to save their old theater from a greedy oil tycoon. With the help of their biggest fan, Walter, and his friends Gary and Mary, the Muppets reunite for a grand telethon to raise the necessary funds. The movie features stars like Jason Segel and Amy Adams, who bring charm and humor to the story. Notably, the film won an Academy Award for Best Original Song, highlighting its musical appeal. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 17
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Family, Music
Director: James Bobin
Actors: Amy Adams, Bill Barretta, Chris Cooper, Dave Goelz, David Rudman, Eric Jacobson, Jason Segel, Peter Linz, Rashida Jones, Steve Whitmire
Country: Japan, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Mandeville Films, The Muppets Studio, Walt Disney Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $171,802,998