The Monster Project
In this 2017 horror film directed by Victor Mathieu, a group of aspiring filmmakers sets out to create a documentary about people who claim to be real-life monsters. They invite three individuals—a skinwalker, a vampire, and a demon-possessed woman—to a secluded mansion for interviews. As the night unfolds, the crew finds themselves in a terrifying situation as the truth behind these claims becomes dangerously real. The film features performances by Justin Bruening, Toby Hemingway, and Murielle Zuker. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Victor Mathieu
Actors: Jim Storm, Justin Bruening, PeiPei Alena Yuan, Toby Hemingway, Yvonne Zima
Country: United States of America