The Mitchell Tapes
This found footage horror film explores the disastrous outcome of a paranormal investigation. The premise of their new reality TV show, “The Ghost Kids,” involves assembling a group of teenagers who are particularly attuned to the supernatural, and sending them to explore the most haunted sites across the nation. For the pilot episode, they travel to Clay County, West Virginia, where local folklore claims that a man named Sam Mitchell kidnapped and murdered around 30 children in his home before being discovered and lynched by the community. Seated around a campfire, “The Ghost Kids” hear the tale of Sam Mitchell from their producers for the first time, and are subsequently locked inside the house for the night. Equipped with paranormal tools and cameras, “The Ghost Kids” are set to determine whether Sam Mitchell’s spirit still lingers there.
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Genre: Horror
Director: Thomas S. Nicol
Actors: Brian Wolfman Black Bowman, Chuck Lamb, Joe Estevez, Scott Sheely
Country: United States of America
Company: Nikkso Productions