The Misandrists
In this provocative film by Bruce LaBruce, a group of radical feminist separatists, led by the enigmatic Big Mother, operates a secretive commune with a mission to overthrow the patriarchy. The plot thickens when an injured male fugitive is discovered by two of the younger members, leading to internal conflicts and a reevaluation of their beliefs. The film is known for its bold exploration of gender politics and its satirical edge. While it hasn’t garnered major awards, it stands out for its unique narrative and daring themes. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Bruce La Bruce
Actors: Caprice Crawford, Grete Gehrke, Kembra Pfahler, Kita Updike, Lina Bembe, Olivia Kundisch, Susanne Sachße, Til Schindler, Victoire Laly, Viva Ruiz
Country: Germany
Company: Amard Bird Films, Jürgen Brüning Filmproduktion, Raspberry & Cream
Worldwide Gross: $26,123