The Merciless
In this gripping South Korean crime thriller, the story unfolds around the complex relationship between a seasoned gangster and an ambitious young inmate. As they navigate the treacherous world of organized crime, alliances are tested and loyalties are questioned. The film stars Sol Kyung-gu and Im Si-wan, whose performances bring depth to their characters’ intricate dynamics. Directed by Byun Sung-hyun, the movie is noted for its stylish cinematography and intense narrative. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Crime, Drama, Mystery
Director: Byun Sung-hyun
Actors: Jang In-sub, Jeon Hye-jin, Jin Sun-kyu, Kim Hee-won, Kim Ji-hoon, Kim Sung-oh, Lee Kyung-young, Moon Ji-yoon, Sol Kyung-gu, Sul Kyung-gu, Yim Si-wan
Country: South Korea
Company: CJ Entertainment, Pollux Barunson, TMS Comics
Worldwide Gross: $6,321,112