The Medium
In this chilling Thai-South Korean horror film directed by Banjong Pisanthanakun, a documentary crew follows a shaman in the Isan region of Thailand, capturing the unsettling events that unfold when a young woman begins to exhibit strange behavior. The film delves into themes of spirituality and possession, blending cultural beliefs with supernatural elements. It features a compelling performance by Narilya Gulmongkolpech, whose portrayal of the possessed character adds depth to the narrative. The movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 9
Genre: Drama, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Banjong Pisanthanakun
Actors: Akkaradech Rattanawong, Arunee Wattana, Boonsong Nakphoo, Chatchawat Sanveang, Narilya Gulmongkolpech, Pakapol Srirongmuang, Sawanee Utoomma, Sirani Yankittikan, Thanutphon Boonsang, Yasaka Chaisorn
Country: South Korea, Thailand
Company: GDH 559, Jorkwang Films, Northern Cross, Showbox Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $8,826,689