The Maus
In this atmospheric thriller directed by Yayo Herrero, a couple becomes trapped in a dense forest in Bosnia, where they must confront both external threats and their own inner demons. The film stars Alma Terzic and August Wittgenstein, who deliver compelling performances as they navigate the tension and psychological challenges of their predicament. The narrative explores themes of survival and the haunting legacy of war, set against a backdrop of eerie and suspenseful cinematography. For those interested, the movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Director: Yayo Herrero
Actors: Aleksandar Šeksan, Alma Terzić, August Wittgenstein, Diana Fernández Pérez, Ella Jazz, Sanin Milavić
Country: Spain
Company: Apaches Entertainment, Cine365 Films, Dynamite Films