The Marine 4: Moving Target
In this action-packed installment, Jake Carter, portrayed by WWE superstar Mike “The Miz” Mizanin, returns as a former Marine now working in the private security sector. Tasked with protecting a whistleblower, Carter finds himself in a high-stakes chase against a ruthless team of mercenaries determined to eliminate their target. Directed by William Kaufman, the film delivers intense sequences and showcases Mizanin’s physical prowess. While it may not have received any major awards, it offers thrilling entertainment for action enthusiasts. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 7
Director: William Kaufman
Actors: Atlin Mitchell, Curtis Caravaggio, Danielle Louise Moinet, Danielle Moinet, Fraser Aitcheson, Josh Blacker, Matthew MacCaull, Melissa Roxburgh, Mike 'The Miz' Mizanin, Mike Mizanin, Paul McGillion, Primo Allon, Summer Rae, The Miz
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: WWE Studios