The Man Who Shook the Hand of Vicente Fernandez
In this 2012 film directed by Elia Petridis, the story follows Rex Page, an aging man who finds himself in a nursing home after a stroke. Rex, played by the legendary Ernest Borgnine in one of his final roles, becomes an unlikely hero among the Latino staff and residents when they discover he once shook hands with the famous Mexican singer Vicente Fernandez. The film explores themes of legacy, cultural connections, and the unexpected ways in which people find meaning in their lives. While it didn’t receive major awards, Borgnine’s performance is a notable highlight. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Elia Petridis
Actors: Arturo del Puerto, Ashley Holliday Tavares, Audrey P. Scott, Barry Corbin, Carla Ortiz, Dale Dickey, Ernest Borgnine, June Squibb, Reynaldo Pacheco, Tony Plana
Country: United States of America
Company: Filmatics
Worldwide Gross: $10,782