The Man In The Hat
In “The Man In The Hat,” the protagonist embarks on a journey from Marseilles in a tiny Fiat 500, accompanied by a framed photo of a mysterious woman. Trailing him is a 2CV crammed with five bald men. What drives their pursuit, and how can he elude them? As he ventures northward through France, he encounters a variety of characters and experiences, including razeteurs, storytelling women, bullfights, delectable cuisine, a soggy man, mechanics, nuns, a gathering of crystallographers, and much more, all while confronting the vibrant quirks of an ancient land.
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Director: John-Paul Davidson, Stephen Warbeck
Actors: Amit Shah, Brigitte Roüan, Ciarán Hinds, Claire Tran, Joseph Marcell, Maïwenn, Mark Padmore, Sheila Reid, Stephen Dillane
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Open Palm Films, Rather Good Films
Worldwide Gross: $206,473