The Man from Earth
A thought-provoking science fiction drama unfolds as a retiring college professor, John Oldman, reveals an extraordinary secret to his colleagues during an impromptu farewell gathering. The film, directed by Richard Schenkman, features a compelling ensemble cast including David Lee Smith and Tony Todd. As the conversation deepens, the group grapples with philosophical and existential questions, challenging their perceptions of history and humanity. This intriguing narrative, which can be viewed on Soap2day for free, captivates audiences with its intellectual depth and minimalistic setting.
Views: 2
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Richard Schenkman
Actors: Alexis Thorpe, Annika Peterson, Chase Sprague, David Lee Smith, Ellen Crawford, John Billingsley, Richard Riehle, Steven Littles, Tony Todd, William Katt
Country: United States of America
Company: Falling Sky Entertainment