The Mad Women’s Ball
Set in 19th-century Paris, this film follows Eugénie, a young woman who is sent to a mental asylum after her family discovers she can communicate with spirits. The story unfolds within the confines of the Salpêtrière hospital, where Eugénie forms a bond with a compassionate nurse named Geneviève, played by Mélanie Laurent, who also directs the film. The narrative explores themes of female empowerment and the oppressive nature of societal norms. The film can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 2
Genre: Drama, History, Thriller
Director: Mélanie Laurent
Actors: Alice Barnole, Benjamin Voisin, Cédric Kahn, Christophe Montenez, Coralie Russier, Emmanuelle Bercot, Lauréna Thellier, Lomane de Dietrich, Lou de Laâge, Mélanie Laurent
Country: France
Company: Légende Films